Friday 5 July 2013

The Mughals-Reasons of Decline


A:  Era of Aurangzeb

  1. Anti-Hindu Policies-Ban on Sattee, especially Jizya tax
  2. Empire expansion policy
  3. Absence from the Capital for around 25 years (due to different rebel challenges esp from Maratha's)
  4. Nobels became corrupt due to Aurangzeb's absence from the federal capital Delhi- started corruption in the collection of revenue later becoming powerful announced Independence from the Mughal Empire
  5. Heavy Economical taxes to earn maximum for the Treasury
  6. Promotion/Implementation of Islam (forcefully)-ban on singing and dance , Fixing length of beard
  7. Rebel from Marathas, Jats and Satnamis
  8. Large Army (heavy expenditure on the maintenance and supplies)

  9. Mansabdari (revenue collection) System became corrupt-Absence affected the administration of Government
  10. Bankruptcy due to continuous warfare
  11. Loss of Military expertise with time due to continuous warfare.
  12. Lack of quick communication service due the long distance to reach the desired destination-delayed the process of quick and effective action
  13. Aurangzeb's Government did heavy expenditure on warfare and art and architecture instead of investing money in the development of science and technology-e.g.:construction of Pearl Mosque
  14. The British who came as traders trying to take advantage of the poor administration of Aurangzeb's govt. -introduced their named coins (currency)- later, this British rebel was crushed by Aurangzeb- the British had to pay later as compensation to Aurangzeb.

B:    After Aurangzeb

  1. Old aged Successors of Aurangzeb- Aurangzeb was 85 years old when died.
  2. Incompetent and pleasure seeking/loving successors 
  3. War of succession continued for long
  4. Effect on treasury of the long wars of succession
  5. Corrupt Nobels announced Independence from the Mughal empire
  6. British traders became quite established by this time with the more in stable administration of poor , incompetent successors of Aurangzeb. 
  7. Foreign Invaders like Nadir Shah - sacked Delhi- took the Peacock throne with him.

C: The British East India Company-BEIC

BEIC logo

A record of EIC (trade) "receiving " receipt 

Mughal emperor Shah Alam hands a scroll to Robert Clive, transferring tax collecting rights (Diwani) to EIC

EIC trade at harbor site

British officer in the local Nawab 's court

  1. The British East India Company with time grew very large and strong.
  2. BEIC was superior/strong in both arm and naval forces compared to their local and other European trade rivals like dutch Portuguese and French.
  3. Took advantage of in stable and weak Govt of Mughals.
  4. Helped the local Corrupt and power luster Nobels to rebel against Aurangzeb through Subsidiary Alliances.
  5. After the siege of Delhi ,successfully took control of the capital and put the Mughal king under British protectorate .Hence became more and more power .



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